Fertility Center

Fertility Center

Inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to full term is encountered in one in every ten couples. We acknowledge that path to parenthood can be difficult both psychologically and physically for the partners. Our Infertility/IVF centers located in the American Hospital and the Koç University Hospital are among the most renowned and successful in the country.  With our expert team having access to latest cutting-edge technologies, we have helped thousands of couples become parents since 1996.  We accept that each couple is unique and we address their needs with a tailored evaluation and treatment plan.   Our compassionate and specialized team, consisting of reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, geneticists, counselors, nurses and urologists, offers a comprehensive and integrated approach to help you realize your dreams.

It is known that female and male factors contribute equally to infertility and are responsible in 80% of patients who are unable to conceive. The remaining 20% of the cases are believed to be unexplained. 

Female factors related to infertility can be listed as;

  • Tubal factors: Fallopian tubes serve two important functions. Firstly, it is the place where sperm meets and fertilize the egg. Secondly, it transfers the embryo to uterus where implantation takes place. Congenital tubal anomalies and tubal blockage due to prior pelvic inflammatory disease, surgery and endometriosis lead to improper functioning of fallopian tubes and failure to conceive. 
  • Cervical, Uterine and Endometrial Factors: Endometrium is the inner lining of uterus where fertilized embryo implants itself. Endometriosis, fibroids, congenital anomalies of uterus can cause implantation difficulties. On the other hand, cervical incompetency can lead to second trimester pregnancy loss. 
  • Ovulation Problems and Egg Quality: Lack of or infrequent ovulation is the most common cause of female related fertility problems. Ovulatory difficulties can be compounded by hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, genetic abnormalities and aging. 

Male factor infertility is most commonly related to abnormal semen quality and quantity.   Initial assessment of the male is done with a semen test.  The test is repeated when abnormal.  A urology consultation is done needed. Azospermic males are evaluated with hormone and genetic tests, and scrotal ultrasonography.  

Along with our internationally certified laboratories serving sophisticated tests, our experienced IVF team provides a wide range of procedures and techniques such as:

  • Intrauterine Insemination: In intrauterine insemination, collected and processed sperm are injected into the uterus with a soft thin catheter. This procedure enables more sperm to reach the fallopian tubes, hence the chance of fertilization of the egg is increased. 
  • In-vitro Fertilization (IVF): In-vitro fertilization helps the fertilization to be achieved in a laboratory setting. Ovaries are stimulated with hormones to increase the egg yield and after they reaching maturity are collected with transvaginal ultrasonography.   Eggs are fertilized with all available sperm in laboratory setting and fertilized embryos are transferred back to uterus within 2-5 days. IVF treatment is a long and tedious procedure that necessitates commitment from both the couple and the team. Despite significant advances in the field, unfortunately not all couples are expected to conceive. Outcome of the treatment is directly related to woman’s age and her ovarian reserve. 
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): This is a procedure whereby a single sperm is injected into the egg using an instrument called micromanipulator.  It is most commonly used for male factor infertility, unexplained infertility or in couples with previous fertilization failures.  
  • Preimplantation Genetics Diagnosis and Screening: Preimplantation Genetics Diagnosis and Screening are preferred especially in women with advanced age, recurrent pregnancy loss and recurrent implantation failure. After the egg is fertilized with sperm in laboratory settings, a small biopsy is made to evaluate the genetics of the embryo.
  • Ovarian Induction and Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation: Ovarian induction consists of several hormonal injections to enhance the growth of eggs in ovaries and increase the number of mature eggs per cycle. 
  • Fertility Preservation
  • Psychologic Support: The path to the parenthood can be a difficult and tiring journey. With our specialized psychologists, we aim to review and discuss all of your concerns and questions and offer you psychological support and relaxation and stress reducing therapies.   
  • Male Infertility and Sperm Retrieval: We collaboratively work with urologists and andrologists to focus on male fertility difficulties as well. Surgical sperm retrieval is routinely practiced in azopsermic patients. 


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