Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric Surgery

A polyclinic for pediatric liver diseases is in the process of being established. In addition to diagnostic and treatment of liver diseases, infants, children and also adolescents are evaluated as candidate liver transplantation recipients. Children with chronic or acute liver diseases of known or unknown etiology are followed and treated prior to and after transplantation. Transplantations from live or deceased donors are performed in our program. Although reaching a body weight of ten kilograms used to be recommended for infants in the past, this is no longer a requirement. It is now possible at our transplantation center to surgically resize the organ fragment to be transplanted to fit the receiving child’s body size.

Dialysis support is available for children of all ages with renal diseases. Kidney transplantation can be performed on eligible patients in need starting from very early ages. Currently, a polyclinic for pediatric renal calculus patients is also being established. Our pediatric surgery and urology teams regularly hold council meetings to review congenital urological abnormalities. Cases of urinary incontinence are addressed by pediatric surgery/urology and psychiatry within the framework of a holistic approach. 

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